Neck Lift
Neck Lift
Some patients develop looseness of their neck skin with age, and visible bands of muscle at the front of their neck. It is common. This deformity can be improved surgically.
The procedure is performed under a general anaesthetic day surgery. A small incision is made under the chin, and larger incisions are made in front of and behind the ear. The procedure tightens the neck skin and removes the unsightly muscle bands under the chin.
Like all procedures, minor complications such as bleeding or delayed wound healing are common, but easily managed. Temporary weakness at the corner of the mouth is common but corrects over 3 to 4 months. The degree of correction of the deformity is significant but not total. One must have realistic expectations. And with the passing years, the deformity will slowly recur.
Recovery and healing take a month. You wear a balaclava-type compression garment at home during the first two weeks. Bruising disappears over this time.
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Book a Consultation
We encourage you to book a consultation with Dr. Turley so that he may personally discuss your needs and recommend the procedure(s) best suited to your lifestyle and overall goals.
Our Location
Dr. Turley’s practice is based in the safety of Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, a large teaching hospital, with the support of experienced operating room nurses and anesthetists.